Tuesday, December 31, 2024

A Review of the Book "It's Trevor Noah: Born a Crime" by Trevor Noah

Title: It's Trevor Noah: Born a Crime
Author: Trevor Noah
Publisher: Penguin Random House
Year: 2016
280 pages

From the Back: Trevor Noah, host of The Daily Show on Comedy Central, shares his remarkable story of growing up in South Africa with a black South African mother and a white European father at a time when it was against the law for a mixed-race child to exist. But he did exist - and from the beginning, the often-misbehaved Trevor used his keen smarts and humour to navigate a harsh life under a racist government. In a country where racism barred blacks from social, educational, and economic opportunity, Trevor surmounted staggering obstacles and created a promising future for himself thanks to his mom's unwavering love and indomitable will. This honest and poignant memoir will astound and inspire readers as well as offer a fascinating perspective on South Africa's tumultuous racial history.

Personal Thoughts: First, I want to admit that buying the young reader edition of this book was entirely accidental. However, there was nothing "young reader" about the writing. Maybe the language is different in the adult version? In any case, the young reader version didn't hamper the story, in my opinion.
    No matter which version of the book you read, the narrative is a hard one. Trevor Noah does an excellent job at telling his story in these pages, giving readers an exclusive on what it was like growing up poor, not belonging to either the black or the white community, and being at risk for bullying, racism, or arrest no matter what he did.
    It is a heart-wrenching story that shows how the public view of the end of apartheid didn't match what was actually happening on the ground in South Africa. It also brings to light what living in between two worlds is like - not white enough and not black enough to be accepted by either communities.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

A Review of the Book "Tribulation Force" by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B Jenkins

Title: Tribulation Force
Author: Tim LaHaye and Jerry B Jenkins
Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc
Year: 1996
449 pages

From the Back: In one cataclysmic moment, millions around the globe disappear. Those left behind, terror stricken, are desperate to determine what happened. Raymond Steele (Pan-Continental Pilot), Buck Williams (Global Weekly Senior Writer), Bruce Barnes (New Hope Village Church Minister), and Chloe Steele (Stanford University Student) find the answer in a most surprising and seemingly unlikely place. Suddenly everything makes sense, but they learn that the disappearances have ushered in a seven-year period called the Tribulation, during which the earth will suffer from the most catastrophic calamities in its history. Those left behind face war, famine, plagues, and natural disasters so devastating that only one in four people will survive. Odds are even worse for enemies of the Antichrist and his new world order. Ray, Buck, Bruce, and Chloe band together to form the Tribulation Force. Their task is clear, and their goal is nothing less than to stand and fight the enemies of God during the seven most chaotic years the planet will ever see.

Personal Thoughts: Tribulation Force is the second book of the Left Behind series. There is definitely some questionable theology behind these stories. One of the storylines in this book touches a lot on purity culture which doesn't really appeal to me. And I wouldn't use the Left Behind series as a theological basis for preaching or anything. However, it is still an enjoyable story and I will continue on into the series with book 3 as soon as I can get it from the library. So if you don't mind taking the theology with a grain of salt and simply want to read an entertaining apocalyptic story, then you might enjoy Tribulation Force.

Friday, December 27, 2024

A Review of the Book "All Our Relations" by Tanya Talaga

Title: All Our Relations
Author: Tanya Talaga
Publisher: House of Anansi Press Inc
Year: 2018
221 pages

From the Back: In this vital and incisive work, bestselling and award-winning author Tanya Talaga explores the alarming rise of youth suicide in Indigenous communities in Canada and beyond. From Northern Ontario to Nunavut, Norway, Brazil, Australia, and the United States, the Indigenous experience in colonized nations is startlingly similar and deeply disturbing. It is an experience marked by the violent separation of individuals from traditional ways of life - all of which has culminated in a spiritual separation that has had an enduring impact on generations of Indigenous children. As a result of this colonial legacy, too may communities today lack access to the basic determinants of health - income, employment, education, a safe environment, health services - leading to a mental health and youth suicide crisis on a global scale. But, Talaga reminds us, First Peoples also share s history of resistance, resilience, and civil rights activism, from the Occupation of Alcatraz led by the Indians of All Tribes, to the Northern Ontario Stirland Lake Quiet Riot, to the Standing Rock Protests against the Dakota Access Pipeline, which united Indigenous Nations from across Turtle Island in solidarity. Based on Talaga's Atkinson Fellowship in Public Policy series, All Our Relations is a powerful call for action, justice, and a better, more equitable world for all Indigenous Peoples.

Personal Thoughts: Every time I read a book on a piece of Indigenous history I shake my head and wonder how I could have been, and sometimes continue to be, so unaware of things happening in my own backyard. All Our Relations provides some powerful reasoning behind the high suicide rate of Indigenous youth. And so much of it was preventable. A lot has happened to Indigenous people that most of us are not aware of or, if we are, the history has been downplayed and/or white-washed. Books like this one by Talaga are necessary reads for anyone interested in reconciling with our past and making changes for the future.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

A Review of the Book "Who Do You Say That I Am?" edited by Donald Armstrong

Title: Who Do You Say That I Am?
Author: Donald Armstrong, editor
Publisher: William B Eerdmans Publishing Company
Year: 1999
141 pages

From the Back: In our current time, the essential and life-changing question that Jesus asked of his disciples, "Who do you say that I am?" has been, in the theology of many, effectively changed to "Who would you like me to be?" From radical feminist theologians who critique Jesus through their particular experience as women to church growth experts who off "God at your service," Jesus has been revisioned and reimaged to bless what we have become and to grant the fulfillment of our excessive desires.
    The purpose of this book is to articulate and make accessible a credible antidote to this devastating and inaccurate picture of God. Written by six internationally recognized New Testament scholars and church leaders, these essays clearly and decisively reclaim the biblical view of Jesus and the church for our postmodern age.

Personal Thoughts: I can't say that I was a fan of this book. Perhaps it's because it's 25 years old and perceptions change over the years, I don't know. The topic of the book was promising, having the purpose of reminding the reader that they are made in God's image and that we are called to keep Jesus Christ at the centre of our faith. However, the authors of the essays seemed to be pushing the idea that biblical scriptures should never be questioned or discussed, that all the answers we search are found literally in the pages. Therefore, I found this collection of essays to be somewhat off-putting. I can be good, though, to read others' opinions on things, as a way to learn where we've come from in our thinking about the Holy Trinity.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

A Christmas Story: A Sermon for Christmas Eve

Grace, peace, and mercy are yours from the Triune God. Amen.


The four Gospels present four unique and yet complimentary pictures of Jesus in the way they record the birth of Jesus: Matthew presents Jesus as the King of the Jews worthy of obedience and worship; Luke shows a humane Savior that brings good tidings and liberation to the poor, neglected and marginalized; Mark presents Jesus as Lord that serves in secret and thus shows a new way, free from the fight for supremacy and status; and finally, John presents Jesus as God, who comes as the Word become flesh and shines in the darkness to bring a new beginning in this world.


The most well-known and the most recited account of the birth of Jesus (especially if you’re a fan of Charlie Brown!) belongs to the Gospel of Luke, of which we heard today.


Luke’s Gospel is an attempt to put in place an orderly account of the birth, ministry, life, death and resurrection of Jesus. Luke wrote his Gospel primarily for a Gentile audience and focuses on the traditionally marginalized and neglected groups in First Century Mediterranean societies. Thus, Luke’s Gospel is full of references to women, children, the sick, the poor, and the rejected, like the Samaritans.


This special and caring focus on the neglected and rejected also features in Luke’s account of the birth of Jesus. Luke’s birth narrative is the longest out of all of the four Gospels and gives special attention to the role of the Holy Spirit and to the women in the story. Here the angel appears to Mary (not to Joseph as in Matthew’s Gospel) and it is Elizabeth, and then later again Mary, that each has words of praise and blessings recorded. Luke, in his human focus, records the “homeless” status of Joseph and Mary in Bethlehem, the special care given to the baby Jesus as he is born, and how a lowly feeding troth becomes a crib.


As if to further emphasize this consistent focus of the poor and the rejected of society, the angels appear to shepherds in Luke’s account, not to the rich, privileged, and powerful wise men in Matthew’s account. It is the ordinary shepherds that witness this glorious event and became the first messengers of God’s peace and goodwill towards people on earth. The beautiful birth narrative of Jesus in Luke’s Gospel illustrates God’s relinquishing of the divine in Jesus, born amongst the poor and rejected, bringing good tidings of peace and goodwill to all.


So instead of singing “happy birthday to you” as we would any other baby, to celebrate the moment we happily join with millions of Christians around the world in remembering the birth of our Savior by singing “Joy to the world, the Lord is come!” We celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace with joy, and praise, and song!


And yet, despite being in a season of joy, sometimes we see and hear only the worst of what is around us, neglecting the simplest joys, and thinking that our times are so much worse than those faced by people in the past. Or perhaps we have reached the point of assuming that it's all up to us to bring the peace our hearts long for, with God not bothering to participate at all. Can we even begin to make everything right, without any help at all? Where are God’s caring hands in all of this desperate search for hope?


But isn't Christmas about God intervening in human history? Isn't Christmas about God telling us not to give up hope after all, telling us not to believe that we are all on our own? While we can't do it all, we can do something, and if we do this something together, just think of the great wonders God will work. Christmas is a tough time for many and we are tasked as God’s children to take the message of hope found in Jesus and to spread our love and joy to others, now and all year round.


We can’t forget the suffering of God's children this Christmas season. This may be our biggest challenge: how do we sing, and feel, joy when, for example, people are freezing to death in the streets? The world just seems so dark and hostile. So I wonder what this Christmas will feel like when so much of the world seems to be in turmoil and the angel’s cry of “peace on earth” seems like more of a wish than a blessing and we who gather to sing carols, light our candles, and hear the Christmas story seem so very small against the backdrop of this troubled world.


Now more than ever, it is important that we become instruments of God's compassion and justice, and sing with our whole hearts, as we strive to put ourselves in God's service, to participate in what God is doing. Think about the angels singing that night, even though Rome had its boot heel on the throat of the Jewish people. Those angels sang anyway because they brought tidings of hope and of great joy. That is where we turn for help in dealing with the news on TV and on social media, and I hope that in some small way we might become tidings of great joy, and a word of hope, to those whom we meet each day. That work is the kind of music, the kind of singing together, that will change the world, and it is the melody God is calling us to join in and sing.


So when you leave tonight, I pray that you will take the birth of Jesus into your hearts, and the joy and love and hope that his birth carries. In Jesus, God has brought us the light we need to shine in the dark places, to bring hope to the discouraged, insight to the lost, and the promise of peace for all those who long for it. It is this vision of the world that is indeed good news of great joy for all people.



Friday, December 13, 2024

Rejoice! And Be Anxious for Nothing: A Sermon for the 3rd Sunday of Advent

Photo Credit: Photo by Caleb Oquendo on pexels.com

Grace, peace, and mercy are yours from the Triune God. Amen.


The Third Sunday of Advent is traditionally known as Gaudete Sunday. Gaudete, when translated from Latin, means “rejoice”. We know that Advent is a season of waiting and today we are called to be joyful as we await the coming of Jesus Christ.


God, through Zephaniah, offers us glimpses of this hopeful future and calls us to “Rejoice and exult with all our heart.” Isaiah reminds us of the ways God has delivered us, is delivering us, and will deliver us. He invites us to shout aloud and sing for joy because we shall “draw water with rejoicing from the springs of salvation.” And our cheerleader, Paul, strongly urges us to “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice.” Despite the fact that Paul is writing from prison, there is a lot of joy to be found throughout his letter to the Philippians.


What kinds of things, events, or people has brought you joy in the past?


Are these the same things that bring you joy now? Are there different reasons that you feel joyful now?


I wonder….is there a difference between joy and happiness?


It feels like happiness is something we chase, something we’re constantly pursuing. And usually, when we finally find happiness, it’s wrapped up in material things. But joy is something completely different. Joy is deeper, a sense of longing, a feeling that pulls at your heart.


And quite often, joy is a whole lot harder to find that happiness, especially amid the great anxieties and expectations of the world, anxieties and expectations that are sometimes heightened during the Christmas season.


Thinking about these lines from Philippians reminds me of the musical Come From Away. Has anyone here seen that musical, or knows the story behind it?


Come From Away tells the true story of 38 planes that landed in the tiny town of Gander, NFLD on September 11, 2001. The kind folks there took in thousands of people from all over the world, giving them food, shelter, and clothing, taking care of all their needs for a few days until US airspace reopened.


Talk about anxiety! The people on the planes were anxious. The people in Gander were anxious. The whole world was anxious!


The entire story is filled with anxious people who lean on their faith to make it through the 5 days they spent in Gander, but there is one story in particular that sticks out this morning. People were taken on buses to various locations where they would be housed. One bus was filled with people who were from Africa. They pulled into their temporary home where they were greeted by people who were wearing their Salvation Army uniforms which, to the people on the but, looked like military uniforms. They were terrified.


The bus driver stops, and motions for the passengers to get off the bus. The man at the front of the bus doesn’t move. He doesn’t understand the bus driver’s language and he doesn’t trust him. The bus driver notices that the man’s wife was clutching a bible and asks her to hand it to him. Anxiously, she does so, and the bus driver flips to Philippians and points at chapter 4, verse 6. “Be anxious for nothing.” The man and the bus driver rejoiced because, through these simple words from Paul to the community in Philippi, they were able to communicate and ease their anxiety.


The Philippians are dear to Paul and his letter to them is considered to be a friendship letter. The community has been generous in supporting Paul’s ministry and he cares for them very deeply and wants them to succeed. But they are a people full of anxiety. They have been suffering. There has been conflict. There has been internal and external strife.


Paul’s letter reminds the people of Philippi that they are not alone. Paul knows what it means to suffer and to be anxious. He is writing from prison after all! Despite all of this, Paul calls his friends to gentleness, to not fall into anger, vengeance, quarreling, hatred, bitterness. Paul calls his friends to pray, not as a disregard of anxiety but as an invitation to bring their anxieties to God. Paul calls them to rejoice, knowing that the peace of God will guard their hearts and minds to focus on self-giving love.


But how can there be joy at a time like this? How can we find joy in a world that is so full of violence, hate, and uncertainty? The same way Paul did. Paul rejoiced because he looked forward to the Lord’s coming, and he also rejoiced because the Lord is always near. Paul seemed to have experienced the Lord’s constant presence in his imprisonment. And so, he could say, “Rejoice!” Paul carried the joy of Advent with him wherever he went – even in a Roman jail.


Advent is a time of preparation, a time of looking for the coming of the Lord, for the fulfillment of God’s promised restoration, for the peace that overcomes all violence, and for that perfect love that casts out fear. On this Gaudete Sunday, as we are called to wait and prepare, we are also called to rejoice. We, too, can look forward to the Lord’s coming while rejoicing that the Lord is always near. And that knowledge can bring us peace in this topsy-turvy world. God’s peace protects us by drawing us deeper into relationship with Christ, the source of our joy. As Paul says, “The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”



"Feasting on the Word" edited by David Bartlett and Barbara Brown Taylor

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

A Review of the Book "Left Behind" by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins

Title: Left Behind
Author: Tim LaHaye
Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc
Year: 1995
473 pages

From the Back: Panic surges through a Heathrow-bound Boeing 747 as some passengers and crew vanish, along with millions worldwide. Captain Rayford Steele fights to quell hysteria while facing personal tragedy - his wife and son are among the missing. Rumors fly, and fanatics warn about the end of the world. Could they be right? Meanwhile, crack journalist Cameron "Buck" Williams on the trail of a global financial conspiracy, finds a more ominous story unfolding as storm clouds of good and evil gather.

Personal Thoughts: I have been hearing a lot about the Left Behind series and have been wavering about starting a series of books. But when it came up in one of the biblical commentaries I was reading, I figured that was my sign. I'm choosing to read this series through our local library rather than purchase it. I have zero regrets! The book was amazing and I couldn't put it down. The story is fast paced and exciting with parallels story lines that you are wondering where they are leading but then come together quite nicely. The only regret I have is how long I have to wait between books as I call them from the library!

Friday, December 6, 2024

Prepare the Way: A Sermon for the 2nd Sunday of Advent

Photo Credit: Mark Basarab on Unsplash

Grace, peace, and mercy are yours from the Triune God. Amen.


In the third chapter of Luke, we encounter John the Baptist who is preparing the way for the earthly ministry of Jesus. Consider how radical this situation was: the chapter opens by telling us who is in charge, from the leaders of the Roman Empire to the heads of Judea to the institutional leaders of the temple system in Jerusalem. Yet, after introducing all of these important big-name people, who is it that prepares the way for the earthly ministry of Jesus? Some schmuck named John whose entire time of ministry was spent in the wilderness, mostly at the Jordan River. Luke draws our attention specifically to the wilderness, the river, and, of course, to John, so let’s talk about these things.


The Greek word erÄ“mos is used to describe a solitary, desolate place. John’s ministry takes place in erÄ“mos, or the wilderness, at the Jordan River. Both places were heavily associated with the exodus story of freedom from slavery, wilderness wanderings, and crossing the Jordan to the promised land. In biblical writings, wilderness often represents vulnerability and uncertainty. Luke pulls on this theme using wilderness to be a place of testing and hunger, danger or destruction, or being lost and then found. It is precisely in that wilderness place of vulnerability and danger that God appears. Perhaps that’s why we hear of all the times Jesus goes into the wilderness to pray.


Just as God guided the Israelites by a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night, God provides what is needed in the wilderness, such as daily manna or a feast for multitudes. Thus, the wilderness is where (and how) God’s people learn to depend on God. So, it would make sense that John does his ministry in the wilderness. He is ministering in this uncertain and liminal space between the now but not yet, and at the edge of the promised land, the River Jordan. But wait a minute, who is this John guy anyway?


Luke tells us that John was born to a priest named Zechariah and his wife Elizabeth. Elizabeth was barren, and they were both “getting on in years”, and yet here was this miracle baby. And we heard in the Song of Zechariah that John was born to be a prophet. Verse 76 says, “and you, child, will be called the prophet of the Most High; for you will go before the Lord to prepare his ways.” So, some unknown guy, working in the wilderness, had been called to be prophet right from birth. And not just any prophet, but the prophet who would pave the way for the Messiah.


Our gospel reading today begins with the usual way of identifying a prophet in the Hebrew Scriptures – time-stamped by reference to that roll call of rulers, it includes the prophetic call, family pedigree, and location. Here is an example from Ezekiel: “On the fifth day of the month, the word of the LORD came to the priest Ezekiel son of Buzi, in the land of the Chaldeans by the river Chebar; and the hand of the LORD was on him there” (Ezekiel 1:2-3) When we consider Luke’s description of John, it sounds pretty similar to the example from Ezekiel: “In the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, when Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea, and Herod was ruler of Galilee, and his brother Philip ruler of the region of Ituraea and Trachonitis, and Lysanias ruler of Abilene, during the high priesthood of Annas and Caiaphas, the word of God came to John son of Zechariah in the wilderness.”


What is remarkable about this prophetic description is the list of big names for that time and area, and yet are any of them called on by God to lead the way to the coming Messiah? No. God chooses the most unlikely candidate in the most unlikely place – some guy named John, a miracle baby born to parents who shouldn’t have had children, and who is wandering about in the wilderness along the Jordan River. And if you remember from other places in the gospels, he dressed simply and ate bugs. Not exactly the person you’d picture making way for the salvation of God.


Ok, so we’ve talked about John, and we’ve talked about the wilderness. Now what is it that’s so important about the Jordan River? Why does Luke specifically mention that area being the place for John’s ministry?


The Jordan River appears many times within the scriptures and often refers to a freedom that comes after a long season of adversity and waiting. Crossing the Jordan into the promised land ended a 40-year multi-generational saga for the Israelites who were escaping the terrors they were experiencing in Egypt. The people of Isreal were again looking for change, longing again for God to deliver them from oppression. By concentrating his ministry in the area of the Jordan, it’s almost as if John wanted to return to the waters that once provided physical freedom to God’s people, but this time he wanted change to come to them spiritually too. John preached that the first step on this journey toward freedom is a baptism of repentance.


John proclaimed that this baptism is the preparation for the ministry, life, and death of Jesus because those who accept John’s call to repentance show that they are ready to acknowledge the coming of the Messiah. Repentance here isn’t about apologizing and forgiving. It’s about change. The Greek word used is metanoia which means to change one’s mind. John announces the opportunity for personal change and calls for a change of nature.


John quotes the prophet Isaiah to describe the transformation that must take place:

“Prepare the way of the Lord;

    make his paths straight.

Every valley shall be filled,

    and every mountain and hill shall be made low,

and the crooked shall be made straight,

    and the rough ways made smooth,

and all flesh shall see the salvation of God.”


Preparing the Lord’s path toward peace requires overturning the world as we know it. It means rethinking social systems and structures. It means working towards change at the root of social issues rather than only treating the symptoms. For example, as the cold winter months come upon us, how can society move beyond temporary help for the homeless and correct the root of the systemic problem instead?


Advent is a time of preparation, and this week John is calling for a special kind of preparation – one that calls us to examine our lives, our values, and our priorities. While we prepare for the birth of Christ, John’s challenge to repent and prepare for the ministry of Jesus is not one to be avoided. He is calling us to turn to God, to seek God’s forgiveness for all our sins, and to be ready for the Messiah. John’s message redirects our focus to a salvation from God that is truly good news for all people: “To you is born this day…a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”




"New Collegeville Bible Commentary: New Testament" edited by Daniel Durken

"Feasting on the Word" edited by David Bartlett and Barbara Brown Taylor




Tuesday, December 3, 2024

A Review of the Book "Origins of New Testament Christology" by Stanley E Porter and Bryan R Dyer

Title: Origins of New Testament Christology
Author: Stanley E Porter and Bryan R Dyer
Publisher: Baker Publishing Group
Year: 2023
236 pages

From the Back: An excellent introduction to New Testament Christology organized around the titles used of Jesus, including Lord, Messiah, Son of Man, and Son of God. Porter and Dyer offer a vital bridge from biblical interpretation to theological reasoning through a hermeneutically rich and historically informed study of the traditions applied to Jesus.

Personal Thoughts: This book was a suggested read for the course that I just took on biblical literature. It was a well-written, easy enough to read book that discusses each of Jesus' many titles. The information found within was really quite interesting and I would recommend it for anyone from someone beginning their Christian journey to a long-lived career preacher.

Saturday, November 30, 2024

The Two Advents: A Sermon for the 1st Sunday of Advent

Photo credit: Daniel Watson on www.pexels.com

Grace, peace, and mercy are yours from the Triune God. Amen.


Wow, it’s December 1st. I don’t know about you, but it feels like the last couple of months have just flown by! Of course, most of November was a blur for me, but it feels strange to come out of a month off and jump right into Advent. Usually there’s a time of build up as the season of Pentecost comes to a close, culminating in Christ the King Sunday. So, this week felt weird for me, heading into Advent with no lead up.


Speaking of December, by show of hands, who has started decorating their house? Doing Christmas baking? Has anyone started their Christmas shopping? Who’s already done it all and are just waiting eagerly for Christmas to arrive? The signs of Christmas are all around us, whether or not we’re prepared for them. As it says in the song,

                        “It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas everywhere you go!”

And here we are today in the first week of Advent, the start of the waiting period for the coming of the baby Jesus. Seems like the perfect time to talk about the end of the world, right?


Luke sure gives us a doozy of a piece of scripture to kick off this year’s Advent season. He starts us off with an apocalyptic prediction that takes us back to the book of Daniel, chapter 7:

                        “As I watched in the night visions,

I saw one like a human being

coming with the clouds of heaven.

And he came to the Ancient One

and was presented before him.

To him was given dominion
and glory and kingship,
that all peoples, nations, and languages

should serve him.

His dominion is an everlasting dominion

that shall not pass away,

and his kingship is one

that shall never be destroyed.” (13-14)

The Greek apocalypsis means “revelation.” As a literary genre, an apocalypse presents revelations about the future. Daniel is predicting the arrival of a Messiah, an anointed one, who would act as an agent of God to bring salvation to the chosen people. It was expected that the Messiah would be a new king, a son of David. It is that “new king” that Daniel is predicting here.


Luke refers back to Daniel’s apocalyptic writing most obviously in verse 27 when he states that the “Son of Man coming in a cloud” will come with power and glory. He says that there will be signs all around that the Son of Man has arrived. Now who do we know that has been going around town performing signs? Jesus has spent his time trying to show people that the kingdom of God has arrived and is standing in front of them. But because he isn’t this great king like David who comes to slay their enemy, people don’t believe him, and they don’t believe the signs that are right there in front of them.


And so as is his way when people are doubting, Jesus tells a parable. It’s not as powerful as say the story of the Samaritan woman or the prodigal son. The parable of the fig tree is short and doesn’t seem to have an obvious lesson to it, but there’s still a strong point made within the story. If people can read the signs of the nature, then they should be willing to read the signs of their salvation. The new buds on the trees are sure signs that summer is near. The first few snowflakes falling from the sky are signs that winter is coming.


Jesus has been showing signs that God is present on earth and his signs have been good – water to wine, healing people, the sharing of abundant food. But the signs that Jesus speaks of this morning sound a lot more destructive that sprouting buds and falling snow.

                        “There will be signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars

and on the earth distress among nations

confused by the roaring of the sea and the waves.

People will faint from fear and foreboding of what is coming upon the world,

for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.”

This is nothing like the sweet baby Jesus that we’re waiting for, but a stern adult Jesus predicting that the world is about to be tossed about and turned upside down. This is a very different feeling than the signs of Christmas we see everywhere.


The first Sunday of Advent is supposed to be based on the theme of hope. Where is the hope in today’s text from Luke? Where is the hope in the destruction that Jesus is predicting? How do we go from apocalypse to hope? Well, the hope is found in the waiting.


First century Christians believed that Jesus’ return was imminent, that it was right around the corner, that it would happen in their lifetime. They knew they were in a period of waiting but it never occurred to them they wouldn’t see Jesus’ again. And now we’ve been waiting 2000 years but have yet to lose hope that one day Jesus will return.


Christians are inherently Advent people and the apocalyptic text from Luke reminds us that we are, in fact, waiting on two Advents: the infant Jesus yet to be born and the adult Jesus returning to the earth at some time in the future. Luke tells us that we are living in a gap time of what was, what is, and what is to come. And this gap period is full of fear, anxiety, and anticipation, but also hope. We hope for redemption. We hope for healing. We hope for restoration. Hope can be found in the knowledge that from destruction can rise something new and beautiful.


At the end of the passage from Luke, Jesus tells us to “be on guard” and to “be alert at all times”. We have no idea when Jesus will return. Every person in history who has tried to predict the second coming has failed so it’s important that we stay alert, remaining faithful despite the destruction and persecution that happens around us.


Ultimately, Jesus calls us to “stand up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.” Although today’s Lukan text seems to stand in stark contrast to the preparations for the Christmas season we see everywhere, we can find hope in his apocalyptic writing about a better world that could break forth at any time. Jesus’ call to stay alert and pray for God’s kingdom to break through to our world is as important a call today as it has ever been. War, famine, addiction, hate, and greed are all on the rise. Our broken selves need Christ to come more than ever.


And when he does, there will be signs, if only we are alert enough to notice them. Signs that say Jesus is coming, signs that say Jesus’ return is very near. And because we know that these signs will happen, we wait with hope. Hope begins with a recognition that the way the world is currently, is not how it should be or how it was intended to be. Hope is knowing there is something good in the world and that it’s worth fighting for.


And our hope calls us to a renewed faith in God who never changes, who keeps promises, and who is with us at all times. Our hope assures us that no matter what happens while we wait, nothing will be able to separate us from God’s love for us in Jesus. So let us wait in hope for the two Advents: the baby Jesus to be born and the adult Jesus to come again. And in this hope, together let us say, Amen!

"The Parables of Jesus" by Neal F Fisher
"Beginning Biblical Studies" by Marielle Frigge
"New Collegeville Bible Commentary: New Testament" edited by Daniel Durken
"Feasting on the Word" edited by David Bartlett and Barbara Brown Taylor

Sunday, November 24, 2024

A Review of the Book "Boy On Ice" by John Branch

Title: Boy On Ice
Author: John Branch
Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers
Year: 2014
327 pages

From the Back: The tragic death of hockey star Derek Boogaard at 28 was front-page news across the country in 2011 and helped shatter the silence about violence and concussions in professional sports. Now, in a gripping work of narrative non-fiction, acclaimed reporter John Branch tells the shocking story of Boogaard's life and heartbreaking death.
    Based on months of investigation and hundreds of interviews with Boogaard's family, friends, teammates, and coaches, Boy on Ice is a brilliant work that raises deep and disturbing questions about the systemic brutality of contact sports - from peewees to professionals - and the damage that reaches far beyond the game.

Personal Thoughts: I remember watching NHL hockey when I was younger and fighting took up much of the game. It was exciting and you rooted for your favorite players to win the boxing match. Then as time went on, fights were less frequent and the enforcers stopped being a staple on the teams. As an observer, you probably didn't really notice or pay attention to why this happened. Then as deaths - weather accidental or by suicide - began to pile up, media started to release stories that provided more details about why these players were dying.
    It makes sense that high-contact sports like hockey and football would have high rates of concussions so it's surprising to read about how many trainers and doctors would ignore the symptoms, or perhaps not be aware of them. Also, to think that these same people wouldn't recognize someone addicted to painkillers is quite surprising. Boy On Ice is the story of one such player who, after reading the book, I feel was let down by his coaches, his trainers, and his doctors.
    After reading a couple of hockey-related biographies that I felt were terribly written, I was unsure if I wanted to read another one. However, John Branch did an incredible job of delivering a heart-felt narrative about the life and death of Derek Boogaard. I quite enjoyed this book as it was easy to read and well-written. The book provided a view from inside the life of a someone who had a dream, would do anything to achieve that dream, and suffered because of it, in the end.
    If you would like a inside perspective of the effect of concussions on a young athlete, this is an excellent book to read.