Monday, May 6, 2024

A Review of the Book "Carrie" by Stephen King

Title: Carrie
Author: Stephen King
Publisher: Anchor Books
Year: 1974
290 pages

From the Back: Carrie may be picked on by her classmates, but she has a gift. She can move things with her mind. Doors lock. Candles fall. This is her power and her problem. Then, an act of kindness, as spontaneous as the vicious taunts of her classmates, offers Carrie a chance to be a normal teenager,,,until an unexpected cruelty turns her gift into a weapon of horror and destruction that no one will ever forget.

Personal Thoughts: I had seen this movie a long time ago so I thought I knew what I was going to be getting into. But of course, with almost any book and movie comparison, the book was way different and so much better. It's either that I don't actually remember what happened in the movie!

Carrie looks to be Stephen King's first novels. It comparison to a couple of his more recent novels, you can't really tell the difference. King has been an amazing writer from the beginning. Carrie is an excellent story of teenage embarrassment that is relatable to everyone. Putting aside the scary parts, the book is full of teenage angst and the competition to be part of the popular group. Add back in the scary parts, and now you have what some teens might want to do to others, but to the extreme.

King's story-telling ability is captivating and engaging, making it easy to get into the story and fall in love with the characters. Looking forward to continuing my travels through all of his books.

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