Sunday, August 4, 2024

A Review of the Book "After the Rain" by John Bowen

Title: After the Rain
Author: John Bowen
Publisher: Ballantine Books Inc
Year: 1958
158 pages

From the Back: How would you react if you found yourself on a modern day Noah's Ark (with no foreseeable prospect of finding dry land)? What could you think of to extend the limited supply of food? Would you agree to separate sleeping quarters for male and female? Would you feel that any human life you encountered was precious to the survival of the race, or would you want to kill all others in order to give yourself a better chance? How would you survive?

Personal Thoughts: I don't know what it was about this book, but reading After the Rain brought me back to all those books we read in high school English. Just the vibe of the it I guess, I'm not positive. But regardless of why that was the feeling I got, I quite enjoyed reading this novel.
    When I first saw the cover, I was reminded of the movie The Day After Tomorrow, so that's what I was expecting to read. However, the similarity between movie and book lay only in the fact that both are disaster stories.
    After the Rain also reminded me of the book Lord of the Flies. Not that it was a bunch of boys lost on a island, but that it was a small group of people who started out working together to try and survive but in the end, hubris takes over with one person in the group trying to "rule the world."
    This was a thought-provoking book that still contains many lessons to be learned even though it was written almost 70 years ago.

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