Tuesday, July 30, 2024

A Review of the Book "Find You First" by Linwood Barclay

Title: Find You First
Author: Linwood Barclay
Publisher: Harper Collins Publishers
Year: 2021
438 pages

From the Back: Tech billionaire Miles Cookson has more money than he can ever hope to spend, and everything he could dream of - except time. Only forty-two years old, he's recently been diagnosed with a terminal illness, and there is a 50% chance that it can be passed on to the next generation. But miles, a confirmed bachelor, doesn't have children. Or does he? The shattering diagnosis forces him to take a long hard look at his past.

Personal Thoughts: This was a wonderfully written novel that was full of suspense and excitement. It was quite a page turner! It was an excellent summer read, one that wasn't too heavy but also grabbed your interest right from the first chapter. The ending was quite the surprise, which is always a good thing when it comes to mystery novels. If you're looking for an easy but thrilling read, I recommend Find You First.

Monday, July 29, 2024

A Review of the Book "have a little faith" by Mitch Albom

Title: have a little faith
Author: Mitch Albom
Publisher: Hyperion Books
Year: 2009
260 pages

From the Back: In the beginning there was a question. "Will you do my eulogy?" As is often the case with faith, I thought I was being asked a favor. In truth, I was being given one.

Personal Thoughts: I have not yet read a Mitch Albom book that I haven't enjoyed. His writing is quite easy to read as he weaves three narratives together into a single narrative. I could almost imagine that I was sitting in front of me as he told the story.
    Have a Little Faith is a lot more than just the story of someone having to write a eulogy for a long-lost friend and rabbi. It is about a man who lost his faith and in learning the rabbi's story had the opportunity to explore his own belief and disbelief that he has experienced throughout his life. You can't tell by the story whether or not the rabbi chose Mitch to write his eulogy for this specific purpose, but in the end the many, many conversation with The Reb and his discovery of Henry Covington changed Mitch's life forever.
    If you read Tuesdays with Morrie, then you will absolutely love this charming little book. Truly, I recommend reading both!

Friday, July 26, 2024

John's Eucharist: A sermon for the 10th Sunday After Pentecost

Grace, mercy, and peace to you in the name of the one who gathers, calls, nourishes, and restores. Amen.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, sometimes I don’t understand what the creators of the lectionary were thinking when they decided how the readings would be laid out over the three years. We are in Year B which is Mark’s time to shine. And suddenly, out of nowhere, here comes John, interrupting our summer.


It’s not that we don’t ever hear from John. While the fourth gospel doesn’t have its own dedicated year, readings from it are scattered throughout the high holy seasons like Christmas, Easter, Lent, and Advent. But Mark’s gospel is so short, that there needed to be some filler. So, while we work our way through Mark during the Sundays of Pentecost, the 6th chapter of John comes in to supplement the list.


And the feeling between the two gospels couldn’t be more different. Mark tells the story of a very human Jesus who has a messianic secret. No one knows Jesus’ true identity until after his crucifixion. John, however, relates the story of a superhuman Jesus. There is no mistaking who Jesus is for John and his readers.


For the rest of the summer, you will be hearing readings from John 6, readings that will center on Jesus’ proclamation of being the Bread of Life and the Bread of Heaven. But remember, as I just said, John is not Mark. You will encounter an entirely different type of gospel account with John. For John, it is no secret that Jesus is the Son of God and reveals himself consistently as such through his words and actions. If Mark has a low Christology, then John has a high Christology.


Ok, enough about that. Let’s get to today’s gospel reading.


Jesus has just been in Jerusalem and now suddenly turns up in Galilee. A crowd was following him because they heard of his signs, and they wanted more. His response to the crowds in this story is to go up to the top of the hill with his disciples. The crowd begins to gather and John notes that it is shortly prior to the Passover Festival.


As the crowd swells, Jesus turns to Philip and asks, “Where are we to buy bread for these people to eat?” The people need food and Jesus’ crew has none. Philip answers from a purely financial and material position. 6 months wages would not be enough to feed this crowd. Remember, 5,000 is only the number of men in the group. The crowd may have been as large as 15,000 people when you count all of the women and children.


Andrew speaks up and says, “There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish” and then Jesus does something that is very familiar to us: he took the bread, gave thanks and broke it. This isn’t just familiar to us; it was also familiar to the Jews who were awaiting Passover. The feeding of the multitude evokes memories of God’s providing manna for the Israelites during their desert journey. When Jesus gives thanks over the bread, it suggests a connection with what would eventually become for us the celebration of the Eucharist. Indeed, this meal of bread becomes the foundation for the rest of the chapter in which Jesus calls himself the Bread of Life.


After Jesus makes the miraculous meal, and everyone has had their share, there are 12 baskets of bread left over. When God is at work there is always an abundance because our God is not the God of scarcity but of abundance. Jesus ended up with 12 baskets of bread after starting with only 5 loaves and 2 fish. The house of Israel was provided for in this meal. The imagery here is powerful: Jesus’ miracle here is a sign of things to come. All of Israel – the new Israel with both Jews and Gentiles – will be fed and satisfied by their Lord and there will be more.


The sacrament of Eucharist is central to our faith. Quite often we associate the final supper with the sacrifice that Jesus is about to make on the cross. But what if we changed our thoughts on that? What if the Eucharist was a celebration of abundance, rather than sacrifice? Jesus is both what sustains us physically and spiritually through creation and relationship. And it is at the Eucharist that our abundant relationship with Jesus is honoured and celebrated.


Just as God provided abundantly for Israel in a time of dire circumstances, so Jesus brings a similar kind of life in the midst of human need. Just as bread is necessary for survival, so is a relationship with Jesus essential to abundant life. And through the celebration of the Eucharist, we are recipients of these same gifts through relationship with Jesus’ life-giving power.


Let us be inspired by the miracle of the feeding of the five thousand to live lives of faith, trusting in God’s abundance and Jesus’ never-ending call to relationship with him through the sacrament of the Eucharist.






"The Revised Common Lectionary: The Consultation on Common Texts" published by Abingdon Press
"New Collegeville Bible Commentary: New Testament edited by Daniel Durken

Monday, July 22, 2024

A Review of the Book "Cujo" by Stephen King

Title: Cujo
Author: Stephen King
Publisher: The New American Library, Inc
Year: 1981
304 pages

From the Back: A big, friendly dog chases a rabbit into a hidden underground cave - and stirs a sleeping evil crueler than death itself. A terrified four-year-old boy sees his bedroom closet door swing open untouched by human hands, and screams at the unholy red eyes gleaming in the darkness. The little Maine town of Castle Rock is about to be invaded by the most hideous menace ever to savage the flesh and devour the mind.

Personal Thoughts: I have been really enjoying reading my way through Stephen King's works. Cujo was one of those stories that I've always been told is one of King's scariest tales. However, I  actually found this story to be quite slow, especially relative to Christine and The Shining. I suppose it's possible that I found this to be the case simply because I haven't seen the movie and, therefore, didn't have the\imagery that could go with reading the book post-movie watching. But more likely it's a simple matter that considering how many novels King has written, it is highly likely that I won't like them all. Cujo falls into this category. The story was slow-paced and confusing. The dog wasn't really that scary. And while near the end it became exciting because you wanted know if the characters lived or died, there was certainly not the fear or the weirdness that is found is plenty other of King's stories. Overall, a decent enough book but not what I have come to expect from King's work. Won't detract me from continuing on down this path though!

Friday, July 5, 2024

The Courage to Accept Rejection: A Sermon for the 7th Sunday After Pentecost

God of love, may you send us to places where we might not want to go and give us courage to speak your love, no matter what. Amen.

Imagine coming home after being away for a long time. Maybe you’re hoping for a loving greeting, maybe someone to be waiting for you on the Hug Rug at the airport, maybe even a welcome home party. Instead, all you get is rejection and disbelief at how you’re nothing like who you should be or were expected to be and are breaking every cultural rule in the book. You’ve been shunned from your home community. Just imagine what that would feel like. That’s what’s happening to Jesus in today’s gospel reading.


We don’t really know anything about Jesus’ formative years. The bible doesn’t give us much since the party with the wise men except for a brief story about how he sat with religious leaders, peppering them with questions. However, based on a handful of clues, It’s safe to assume that Mary and Joseph were devout Jews who trusted in God’s plan and provision, and that Jesus would have been the beneficiary of such a faithful rearing.


We hear nothing else about Jesus until he shows up around 30 years old, gathers a bunch of guys together, and starts his mobile ministry. Jesus and his crew have been travelling all around, telling people about God, preaching about the kingdom, performing miracles, and healing the people. And even though Jesus continues asking people to keep it to themselves, the stories have gotten out, and they’ve surely gotten back to his hometown of Nazareth.


Now, I don’t think Jesus knows this is the case for sure, and when he sees that Nazareth is coming up on their touring schedule, I bet he was pretty excited. He would be seeing his family for the first time in what probably feels like forever and having a nice, home-cooked meal. He’d be able to put his feet up and rest in a place he grew up in, maybe hang out with his buddies from school. And after all the times he was run out of town because of loud non-believers during his travels, the one place he thought he’d be able to relax a little would be his hometown of Nazareth.


Invited by the local rabbi to preach at the synagogue, Jesus steps up to the podium and teaches what he has been teaching this whole time, feeling at ease in front of these folks who have known him since birth and watched him grow up. Here, he thought, no one will chide me for the words I say and the actions I’ve done.


Boy was he wrong.


These people who have known Jesus since he was diapers, who had helped Mary and Jospeh raise Jesus, as any good village would do, are suddenly wary of him. They weren’t surprised that he was talking about the scriptures. He was in town visiting his mother and it was only natural for him to get up and speak about the scriptures. Any man from the age of 13 was expected to take part in the discussion.


But it was how he spoke about them, how he spoke with such authority, that really threw this crowd. This boy from Nazareth, a boy who had grown up right here and whose family they all knew. This kind of wisdom couldn’t come from a man they were acquainted with! The crowd asked, “who does this guy think he is, telling us how to live, how to believe?”


That day in the synagogue, the people of Nazareth had quite an opportunity. They could have opened their minds and hearts. They could have believed that nothing shall be impossible with God. They could have accepted that God was at work, right there in Nazareth, in the person of this man, Jesus, whom they knew so well, even though he was just a boy from Nazareth.


But instead, they rejected him. They took offense at him. They closed their hearts and their minds and ran him out of town, just like all of the other non-believers Jesus and his followers came across throughout their journey. Jesus’ community rejects him because they know him, because “how can this guy from down the street be a prophet sent by God?” “Then Jesus said to them, ‘Prophets are not without honor, except in their hometown and among their own kin and in their own house.’”


Jesus has been shunned from his home community. Just imagine what that must have felt like.


Now Jesus could have gotten upset at his family and friends. He could have yelled at them, told them how sad he was that Nazareth should have been the one place he could just be himself without repercussion. He could have been disappointed that the one place that should have been restful for him became just another place of hate and distrust.


And maybe he did feel all those things. We don’t know. What we do know is that he turned these events into a lesson for his disciples. (Because I’m sure what they wanted was another lesson.)


Jesus gathered his 12 disciples up and told them to go out in pairs (it’s never safe to travel without a buddy) and spread the gospel, giving them “authority over the unclean spirits.” But he sent them with a warning – not everyone will accept you, listen to you, or want you around, maybe not even in your hometowns. The important thing was to not go in power and pretense. No fancy clothes, weapons, nor support teams. In fact, nothing logistical at all.  Not a church growth strategy nor mission statement in sight. A simple instruction to be with people in vulnerable simplicity, to always be present in the current conversation, being gracious for any hospitality that you receive, and if you are rejected or someone wants to argue with you, shake it off and keep moving.


They did, and the kingdom grew and grew.


These two stories, the story of Jesus’ rejection in Nazareth and his subsequent sending of the 12 disciples, are meant to remind us that we also have a role to play. We are taught over and over that we are justified by faith alone. But what if God’s work also needs us to take some initiative? To take some action?


People expect their encounter with the Divine to be magical or majestic. But for the folks of Nazareth, Jesus was just the guy down the street. What does this say about where we find God in our lives? What does this say about how we tell others about Jesus? Can we understand that we are also called to spread the Gospel, just as the 12 were?


In our own neighbourhoods and hometowns, we are the people down the street, we are the ones people know, who grew up with us, who maybe helped raise us (as neighbourhoods and town tend to do). And yet these are the people with whom we have the hardest time talking about our faith in Jesus, about our trust that God loves us, and about why we believe in all of it. The people with whom we feel the safest are the ones with whom we have the hardest time being open about our faith.


Here is a short story about a friend of mine, whom I’ve asked permission to share with you. I’ve changed the names out of respect.


Dave was walking with a friend of his, Kyle, and as they were walking, Kyle asked Dave to pray for his as they walked. So, Dave prayed honestly and truly, but also silently in his head for his friend. When they arrived at their destination, Kyle asked Dave again, “Will you pray for me?” to which Dave said, “I just did!”. It was a missed opportunity to be vocal in prayer and sharing out loud what it means to have love and faith in Jesus.


We should never be afraid to talk about our faith, out loud and with others. If someone asks you, “why do you believe in God?” don’t hesitate to give a heart-felt and truthful answer. You are called to spread the good news that God loves us all and that the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ has brought us closer to the kingdom of God than we could possibly imagine.


Might you be ridiculed for your belief in God and your faith in Jesus? Perhaps. But as Taylor Swift says, the haters are gonna hate and we just need to shake it off.



"Feasting on the Word" edited by David L Bartlett and Barbara Brown Taylor

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

A Review of the Book "City on Strike" by Harriet Zaidman

Title: City on Strike
Author: Harriet Zaidman
Publisher: Red Deer Press
Year: 2019
195 pages

From the Back: City on Strike is set during the Winnipeg General Strike of 1919 when workers and soldiers returning from the First World War demand jobs, decent wages, and the right to organize. Many politicians and business leaders condemned strike organizers and, backed up by police, unleashed deadly violence against the strikers on a day now known as Bloody Saturday. City on Strike focuses on a 13-year-old boy and his younger sister who are part of a poor but hard-working immigrant family. Together with their neighbours, these siblings get drawn into the chaos that changed the city, and the country, forever.

Personal Thoughts: Learning about history, especially local history, is very important - both so that we know where we come from and also to hopefully not repeat harms of the past. Born and raised in Winnipeg, I was aware of the 1919 strike, the term "Bloody Saturday", and have seen many pictures of the overturned trolley car. However, I couldn't really tell you all of the details, only the end result of labour laws and unions. So when I came across this little book about the strike, I thought it might be an excellent way to find out a little bit more about my city's history. What I got was even better!
    I don't know about you, but I much prefer learning about history through stories than through lists of facts. That's exactly what this book is - a story about young kids who experience the 1919 strike at the feet of their parents, a story about two boys from opposite sides of the poverty line who notice their differences but are friends anyway, a story about what it was like to live in a time where their were no labour laws, especially when it came to being an immigrant worker.
    City on Strike is an excellent way to read a little about about a dangerous and violent time in Winnipeg's history through heart-warming story of love, friendship, and perseverance.