Monday, July 22, 2024

A Review of the Book "Cujo" by Stephen King

Title: Cujo
Author: Stephen King
Publisher: The New American Library, Inc
Year: 1981
304 pages

From the Back: A big, friendly dog chases a rabbit into a hidden underground cave - and stirs a sleeping evil crueler than death itself. A terrified four-year-old boy sees his bedroom closet door swing open untouched by human hands, and screams at the unholy red eyes gleaming in the darkness. The little Maine town of Castle Rock is about to be invaded by the most hideous menace ever to savage the flesh and devour the mind.

Personal Thoughts: I have been really enjoying reading my way through Stephen King's works. Cujo was one of those stories that I've always been told is one of King's scariest tales. However, I  actually found this story to be quite slow, especially relative to Christine and The Shining. I suppose it's possible that I found this to be the case simply because I haven't seen the movie and, therefore, didn't have the\imagery that could go with reading the book post-movie watching. But more likely it's a simple matter that considering how many novels King has written, it is highly likely that I won't like them all. Cujo falls into this category. The story was slow-paced and confusing. The dog wasn't really that scary. And while near the end it became exciting because you wanted know if the characters lived or died, there was certainly not the fear or the weirdness that is found is plenty other of King's stories. Overall, a decent enough book but not what I have come to expect from King's work. Won't detract me from continuing on down this path though!

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