Wednesday, June 26, 2024

A Review of the Book "The Last Week" by Marcus J Borg & John Dominic Crossan

Title: The Last Week
Author: Marcus J Borg & John Dominic Crossan
Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers
Year: 2006
216 pages

From the Back: Two top Jesus expert offer what they believe is the real story of Jesus's final week in Jerusalem. The authors dig into the Gospel of Mark's day-by-day account of the week leading up to Easter, and they excavate profound insights into the political and spiritual dynamics of Jesus's true passion - his message of the kingdom of God.

Personal Thoughts: There have been many versions of Jesus' last week with even the film industry taking cracks at it with movies like Mel Gibson's The Passion. While we can't ever know what really happened in the last few days of Jesus' life, Borg and Crossan give some excellent analysis, using the Gospel of Mark. 
    It's not the easiest book to read, as is the case with most theological books. However, if you can stick with it, Borg and Crossan give some different insight and perspectives that includes the status of women in Jesus' life, the perhaps not-so-unexpected events surrounding Judas, and the ultimate betrayal of all the disciples, not just Judas.
    In The Last Week, these two authors provide a wonderfully progressive look at the final days of Jesus that, upon reading the book, can only give the reader more hope in the Good News that is found in Jesus Christ.

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